Use this to actually animate the background.
branchID - the current branch
page - the current page
animation_sequence - the current animation frame(INT)
move_to_x# - move to the 'X' position
move_to_y# - move to the 'Y' position
speed_x# - the move speed for 'X', pixel per second, set to 0 to disable
speed_y# - the move speed for 'Y', pixel per second, set to 0 to disable
rotation_to_angle - the angle to rotate to
rotation_direction - the direction to rotate, 0 to disable rotation, 1 to left and 2 to right
rotation_speed# - the speed to rotate
size_x# - change size in the 'X'
size_y# - change size in the 'Y'
size_x_speed# - the speed to change size in the 'X', pixel per second, set to 0 to disable
size_y_speed# - the speed to change size in the 'Y', pixel per second, set to 0 to disable
NOTE: 'animation_sequence' start from 1!
vne_set_bg_animation(branchID, page, animation_sequence, move_to_x#, move_to_y#, speed_x#, speed_y#, rotation_to_angle, rotation_direction, rotation_speed#, size_x#, size_y#, size_x_speed#, size_y_speed#)