Document Category Item: Character Basic Sprite Animation > vne_set_character_animation_setting()Back
Use this to use basic animation for character(s).
branchID - the current branch
page - the current page
character_id - the current character id, 1 to 8
has_animation_loop - has loop?
animation_loop_start - wish to start looping from which frame? This can be use to do an explosion then loop only the frame aftermath.
has_animation_continuation - if coming from a previous page, use this to continue the animation. The setting for "vne_set_character_animation_setting()" and "vne_set_character_animation()" must be the same as previous branch and page!
vne_set_character_animation_setting(branchID, page, character_id, has_animation_loop, animation_loop_start, has_animation_continuation)