Document Category Item: Prop Advance Sprite Animation > vne_set_prop_sprite_animation()Back

This enable sprite animation for a prop.

branchID - the current branch

page - the current page

prop_id - the prop id, 1 to 8

animation_type - 1 for per frame image animation and 2 for atlas image animation

has_loop - has loop?

has_continuation - to be use if animation continue more than one page, must have the same value with "vne_set_prop_sprite_animation()" and "vne_craft_prop_sprite_animation_frame()"

sprite_animation_loop_start - start the loop from which frame? Can be use for talking animation then idle animation

fps - the frame per second to animate

atlas_width - only use if type = 2

atlas_height - only use if type = 2

atlas_amount - only use if type = 2

NOTE: Type 2 required "vne_set_prop()" "image_id" or "filename$" to be set as the atlas image!


vne_set_prop_sprite_animation(branchID, page, prop_id, animation_type, has_loop, has_continuation, sprite_animation_loop_start, fps, atlas_width, atlas_height, atlas_amount)

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