Use this if you want 1 to 8 prop(s) on screen.
branchID - the current branch
page - the current page
prop_id - character id, 1 to 8
image_id - the prop images id
filename$ - the prop image, load on the fly, has priority over image_id
flipped_x - flip the sprite on the 'X', can be use to save resources and place on the left or right
flipped_y - flip the sprite on the 'Y'
position_id - 1 to 56, place the sprite in a default position, at line number 2678 in "visualnovelengine.agc"
position_x# - position the sprite in the 'X', ignored if position_id not equal to '0'
position_y# - position the sprite in the 'Y', ignored if position_id not equal to '0'
size_x# - the size in pixel in the 'X'
size_y# - the size in pixel in the 'Y'
depth_offset - change the sprite depth
vne_set_prop(branchID, page, prop_id, image_id, filename$, flipped_x, flipped_y, position_id, position_x#, position_y#, size_x#, size_y#, depth_offset)