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Setting up a background!

vne_set_bg() can be use to set a background.
You can also not use this variable for the current branch and page if there is no need for a background.

We will break down the following: "vne_set_bg(1, 1, 0, "image/bg/school_outside.png", 1920, 1080, 0, 0)".

The variable "vne_set_bg()" must be use for every page with a background.

The first 2 variable is for the current branch and page.
This tell the engine to load a background at this branch and page.

The next 2 variables are for loading a image, either an pre-loaded image id during loading screen or load on the fly a image file.

The last 4 variable is to set the size and position of the background.

The default size on screen is always 1920 x 1080p and fixed to screen at position 0,0.


vne_bg_has_transition() has to be use if the previous branch and previous page background is not the same!


NOTE: During gameplay, it does not keep reloading the background if the next branch and page is the same! However, the same "vne_set_bg()" must be use on all page with this image as well as the slight change to the branch and page!


vne_set_bg(branchID, page, image_id, filename$, sizeX#, sizeY#, pX#, pY#)

vne_bg_has_transition(branchID, page, has)

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